Cloud Contracts: Reading, Writing, and Interpreting to Unravel the Mystery

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 | 10:30AM–11:20AM | Meeting Room 304A/B, Level Three
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Panelists will discuss the issues that make cloud services contracts different from other IT service contracts, using examples from actual cloud services contracts to highlight service delivery, data security, termination, and "vendor lock-in" pricing, assurance, and viability issues, among many others. Participants will have a chance to question school and outside legal counsel about specific contract concerns.

Outcomes: Understand key cloud services contract provisions and how they differ from other IT services contracts *Learn to interpret clauses typically used by cloud services vendors and how to negotiate them *Understand the key risk factors in cloud services contracts


  • Alan Fishel

    Attorney, Arent Fox
  • Jerry Grochow

    Research Affiliate, Sloan School of Mgmt, MIT
  • Andrew Keating

    CEO, Popcorn RFP, Inc