Developing Visual Literacy Strategies for Higher Education in the 21st Century

Thursday, October 27 | 1:30PM–2:20PM | Ballroom A, Level Three
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
This session will explore the future of higher education through the rapid evolution of visual culture, which is reshaping how we access and perceive information and experience the world. Everything from scientific data to the disciplines in the humanities is increasingly visual and interactive. This session will examine the development of a new framework for visual literacy in higher education.

Outcomes: Evaluate the implications of our increasingly visual culture for higher education *Articulate a conceptual framework for visual literacy that draws upon multiple disciplines *Examine how the increasing use of virtual reality requires new forms of visual literacy


  • Emory Craig

    Interim CIO, College of New Rochelle
  • Maya Georgieva

    Senior Director, Innovation Center / XR, AI and Quantum Labs, The New School