Moving Toward a Unified Campus-Wide Solution

Thursday, October 27, 2016 | 1:30PM–2:20PM | Meeting Room 303C, Level Three
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Industry and Client-Led Session
Like many institutions, Boise State was using a variety of video platforms for specialized functions like lecture capture, video hosting, desktop recording, and video editing. There were no clear guidelines and standards, and central IT did its best to support the various systems on campus. Then, a few key initiatives helped pave the way for a clear, unified, integrated strategy: an Instructional Video Guidelines Task Force was established to identify gaps and articulate guidelines and best practices for instructional video creation and use, a new shared governance model was formed coinciding with a new instructional technology unit, and a project to evaluate and pilot classroom capture systems was carried out. Features like Blackboard integration, captioning, quizzing, and user analytics were essential criteria in our selection process.

Outcomes: Learn about theoretical models for technology in education such as TPACK and SAMR * Draw connections between theory and practice by applying institutional models to organizational and governance structures * Apply pilot and evaluation models and methods to effectively select and deploy enterprise video and other instructional technology platforms at your institution


  • Shane Lovellette

    Strategy Lead, TechSmith Corporation
  • Leif Nelson

    Executive Director of Learning Technology Solutions and Research Computing, Boise State University