Open Licensing with Creative Commons and The Open-Source Initiative

Wednesday, October 26 | 2:30PM–3:20PM | Meeting Room 303D, Level Three
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Growing participation in openly licensed educational resources (both content and technologies), as well as recent governmental activity, is disrupting traditional academic, research and organizational models. Representatives from Creative Commons and The Open Source Initiative will outline the current state of open resources and initiatives, their impact across higher education, and how institutions can leverage disruption for innovation.

Outcomes: Understand professional, institutional and educational value of adopting/producing openly licensed content, resources and software *Measure and project the impact of openly licensed resources on the institution's academic/administrative/research initiatives *Assess and participate authentically in communities of practice to develop, distribute and manage open resources


  • Patrick Masson

    Executive Director, Apereo Foundation
  • Jane Park

    Education Coordinator, Creative Commons