Student Success: Lessons Learned on Campus

Thursday, October 27, 2016 | 4:30PM–5:20PM | Meeting Room 210D, Level Two
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Industry and Campus Hot-Topic Panel
No matter how your institution defines student success, true success is contingent on students' active participation in academic and social communities. Join us in discussing best practices around establishing a shared vision of student success, measuring successful behavior, determining an intervention strategy, and using data in meaningful and actionable ways.

Outcomes: Discover best practices in measuring and improving student engagement and success * Learn how to build a comprehensive student success approach across your entire institution * Hear personal experiences and lessons learned from institutions that have implemented a successful student success and early-engagement strategy


  • Mike Alstrom

    Senior Vice President, Technology, Core Education Foundation
  • Katie Lynch-Holmes

    Head of Learning and Development, Ellucian
  • Christy Riddle

    Executive Director of Student Success, Delta State University