Adding Layers to the Real World: Welcome to Augmented Reality

Tuesday, February 14 | 2:30PM–3:15PM | Houston Ballroom Foyer
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
You know what the real world is: It's where we live, work, and play. It's what we see, touch, smell, and hear without special glasses or goggles or headsets. Augmented reality (AR) allows us to add to our real world. We don't replace the world as in virtual reality, but we augment it. This poster will delve into how an augmented world can support teaching and learning in higher education. Visitors will have a chance to try out the spectrum of AR technology from phone-based apps to the Microsoft HoloLens while considering how to incorporate the technology into university curricula.

Outcomes: Explore the spectrum of augmented reality devices and experiences *Discuss potential benefits and challenges of augmented reality for teaching and learning in higher ed *Imagine how augmented reality might be applied to enhance student learning in specific disciplines


  • Libby Evans

    Academic & New Technology Consultant, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill