Presenter Resources

Poster Session Presenter Information

Q: What will my area look like?


Standard supplies include a 6-foot skirted table, up to 2 floor easels, and up to 2 foam core poster boards (30" x 40"). Push pins, scissors and other supplies will be available at a supply table nearby.

You may opt to bring a laptop as an additional resource for your session times. However, there will be no equipment security or storage available when you are not present.


Q: Will I have Internet access?


All presenters will have wireless access. The connection speed should be sufficient for accessing and navigating web and/or e-mail pages.


Q: Do I have the option to ship or store my materials?


If you need to ship materials, it would be best to send materials to your hotel (labeled to your attention). Please work directly with the hotel for shipping instructions.


General Information for All Presenters

Q: Could you explain what my "Session Type" means?


The following session types were assigned through the proposal submission process and are designed to set participant expectations when they attend a session:

  • Featured Sessions
    Featured session presenters are invited by ELI for their expertise on a variety of current topics.
  • Preconference Seminars
    Preconference seminars will be held Monday, February 13, 8:00–11:00 a.m. CT, in Houston, TX. Participants pay an additional fee to attend preconference seminars. Each seminar presenter (maximum of two) will be provided with a full complimentary registration to the annual meeting. If you have questions, please contact Sean Kennedy.
  • Interactive Presentations
    These sessions include 30 minutes of presentation time and 15 minutes for audience engagement/interaction, for a total of 45 minutes. Interactive presentations are opportunities to present in detail on a project while enabling audience participation.
  • Short Presentation Pairs
    Presentation pairings include two 15-minute presentations followed by a 15-minute question/discussion period, for a total of 45 minutes. Presentation sessions will be paired by the ELI annual meeting program team, based on the track associated with the proposal. Highly visible, presentation pairs highlight pioneering practices by giving institutions a spotlighted venue with condensed presentation time. Please note these are NOT poster sessions.
  • Hands-On Workshops 
    Workshops are 45-minute sessions where participants experience technology or pedagogical practices firsthand. Presenters guide a hands-on, tutorial-like experience using applications and resources. Participants are asked to bring mobile devices (e.g., smart phone, tablet, laptop) to the session in order to fully participate and to experience an emerging, innovative technology or practice.

    Proposals that include a robust interactive learning design will be assigned to the active learning space (designed by Steelcase Education). Workshop room sets include a hard drop Internet connection at the podium, sound patch, projector, and screen. Presenters are responsible for providing any additional technologies needed to ensure an engaging hands-on experience.
  • Poster Sessions
    Posters give participants and presenters the opportunity to share and examine problems, issues, and solutions in a more casual, personal environment through informal, interactive, brief presentations focused on effective practices, research findings, or technical solutions.


Q: Do I need to register to present?


As a presenter, you must register in order to present. Be sure to register by January 17 to get the early-bird rate.


Q: Is there a PowerPoint template I should use for my presentation?


EDUCAUSE provides an optional PowerPoint template for your convenience.


Q: Upload your Session Resources?


We invite you share your presentation by emailing your files or URLs after the conference. To do this, please email your presentation materials to [email protected].

We ask that you include the following.

  • Subject Line: ELI17 Annual Meeting Presentation Materials to upload
  • File Attachments: Please rename all files to include the session title (examples – First Timers Orientation_slides.ppt & First Timers Orientation_handout.pdf)
  • Email Body:
    Session Date/Time:
    Session Title: TITLE
    Author: NAME(S)


Session Presenter Information

Q: How will my onsite room be set up?


All session meeting rooms (with the exception of poster sessions, and flexible learning space sessions) will have a combination of theater-style seating and rounds in the front of the room. There will be a head table and chairs for presenters at the front of the room.


Q: Will I have access to audio/video equipment?


All of the session rooms (with the exception of poster sessions) will have the following standard AV:

  • LCD Projector
  • Screen (sizes vary depending on room size but are typically 7.5x10)
  • Projector Stand
  • Microphones:
    • (1) Wired microphone at lecturn
    • (1) Wireless lavalier
    • One additional table microphone for panels of three or more
    • Computer audio patch


Q: Will I have Internet access?


The following internet connections will be available:

  • Wireless access will be available for both presenters and attendees. The connection speed will be sufficient to access and navigate web pages and e-mail.

  • One Ethernet connection for presenter use (cable dropped between lectern and table and requested to be long enough for use at either location).

  • Substantial bandwidth will be provided and should be sufficient for basic applications you wish to present. However, if you know that your presentation will require a significant bandwidth and have concerns, please contact Sarah Reynolds.

ELI Speaker

This page contains information and resources to assist you as a presenter at the ELI Annual Meeting. If you do not find an answer to your question, please contact us.