Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes…You Want Me to Do What?

Monday, February 13 | 4:00PM–4:45PM | Montgomery
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Change is hard. It disrupts our lives. Come take a part in a role-play as we discuss LMS transitions on three campuses. Changes like this drive faculty crazy. How do learning technology staff members both drive change and help faculty cope with the change at the same time? In higher education, change can be fascinating, inspiring, and well, sometimes fun. Join us for a session where we will discuss some ways to alleviate faculty angst during major changes to an LMS, an instructor's second home. Let's learn how to change…together!

Outcomes: Anticipate what will challenge faculty when your campus changes the LMS and how to facilitate conversations to alleviate frustration *Identify multiple strategies for communicating in a clear, persistent, and sensitive manner when working with faculty *Practice (or employ) practical techniques for collaborative conversations with instructors who are struggling with making a technology change


  • Annette Beck

    Director of Technology and Operations, Univ. College, The University of Iowa
  • Victoria Getis

    Senior Director, Teaching & Learning Technologies, Northwestern University
  • Jeremy Van Hof

    Teaching Center Director, Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation, Michigan State University

Resources & Downloads

  • Ch Ch Ch ChangesYou want me to do what

    116 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/7/2024