Classroom Crashers: A Small College Adopts Active Learning Spaces on a Budget

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 | 10:00AM–10:45AM | Houston Ballroom Foyer
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
In 2013, Saint Anselm College faculty considered the value of active learning pedagogy. Few campus spaces lent themselves well to constructivist activities. Investing in active learning classrooms was a gamble for the small college, given additional expense and competition for space. However, Saint Anselm encouraged faculty interest in a low-cost prototype classroom, considered their feedback, and secured external funding to build two in-demand active learning spaces. This session will detail the pedagogical, financial, and technical steps as a small liberal arts college moved from active learning consideration to implementation.

Outcomes: Explore the steps necessary to gauge faculty interest in active learning classrooms *Discuss learning efficacy within active learning classrooms *Define the technical and financial resources needed to construct an active learning classroom


  • Kim Round

    Instructor, Harvard University