Driving Innovation and Accelerating Change in Medical Education with a Multi-Institutional Evaluation Strategy - Sponsored by Ellucian, Platinum Partner

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 | 11:45AM–12:30PM | Houston Ballroom I, II, III
Session Type: Featured Session
Delivery Format: Featured Session
Across the continuum of physician education, the gap between how physicians are being trained and the future needs of our health care system continues to widen. The AMA is bridging this gap by accelerating change in medical education in the United States through a consortium of 32 grantee schools, and tracking key outcome measures with a robust, mixed-methods logic model program evaluation approach. This session will provide an overview of the multi-school program evaluation strategy, describe barriers and facilitators to multischool research, and discuss how participants could use a logic model evaluation plan as a framework for their own interventions.

Outcomes: Understand the key features of a multischool program evaluation plan *Understand the balance between resource needs at local and national levels *Critique and apply the logic model framework to a curricular intervention evaluation


  • Lisette Dunham

    Data Analyst II, American Medical Association
  • Richard Hawkins

    Vice President, Medical Education Outcomes, American Medical Association