Effective Large-Scale Collaboration: Tales from the Trenches - Sponsored by Ellucian, Platinum Partner
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 | 3:15PM–4:00PM | Houston Ballroom I, II, III
Session Type:
Featured Session
Delivery Format:
Featured Session
Effective leadership of large-scale project collaborations requires a blend of organizational skill, clear deliverables, and incentives to foster engagement with stakeholders who often bring diverse needs and varying levels of enthusiasm to the effort. This panel will organize their stories across common themes and offer principles for how to lead transformative projects and services at a campus, multi-campus, or even global scale.
Outcomes: Identify principles of leading effective large-scale collaborations *Evaluate principles with regard to applicability to your current or upcoming projects *Lead (or influence), plan, and implement a successful collaboration with diverse stakeholder groups
Outcomes: Identify principles of leading effective large-scale collaborations *Evaluate principles with regard to applicability to your current or upcoming projects *Lead (or influence), plan, and implement a successful collaboration with diverse stakeholder groups
Deborah Keyek-Franssen
AVP and Dean, University Connected Learning, University of Utah -
Chris Sax
Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Maryland University of Integrative Health -
Lisa Stephens
Asst. Dean - UB Engineering, and Sr. Strategist, SUNY Academic Innovation (Ret.), SUNY System Administration