Embracing Emotional Presence in Online and Face-to-Face Learning

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 | 4:15PM–5:00PM | Houston Ballroom VI
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Can emotional presence impact learning? How can streaming media, audio fiction, and virtual conferencing tools facilitate emotional presence? Teachers have always included videos of Shakespeare plays to allow for better access to the bard's words. We take this idea to a new level, where the intentional application of technology captures an interaction with the texts or content to develop students' emotional presence within a community of inquiry framework. For example, we will share how students talk to contemporary Irish writers about the Troubles or hear from educational technology leaders about some of the decisions they've made on their career paths.

Outcomes: Learn about emotional presence and place it within the context of the community of inquiry framework *Explore the opportunities technology presents for developing emotional presence in online, blended, and face-to-face courses *Critically examine the place of technology in facilitating emotional presence through immersion in the experiences of others


  • Flower Darby

    Associate Director, Teaching for Learning Center, University of Missouri
  • John Doherty

    Head Librarian, Research and Instruction Services, Northern Arizona University

Resources & Downloads

  • Emracing Emotional Presence_handout

    127 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/7/2024