How to Pack a Mobile Makerspace: Digital Fabrication Workflows in Support of Faculty Field Research - Sponsored learning space design and furniture provided by Steelcase Education, Gold Partner

Tuesday, February 14 | 9:15AM–10:00AM | Harris
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Hands-On Workshop
Makerspaces have found their place on today's campuses. Students, faculty, and staff have found ways to support innovative scholarly work with tools found in these spaces. Workflows are created to support these laboratories, but they seldom consider academic work that takes place off campus. This session will introduce new methods in digital fabrication that create opportunities for academic field research. The presenters will share their distinct experiences taking elements of a makerlab halfway around the world. They will describe two use cases for portable equipment, as well as an intercampus collaboration that prepared them for "making" in the field.

Outcomes: Discover how the maker mindset can support field research for faculty, students, and staff *Learn how to prepare equipment and train staff for fieldwork that relies on familiarity with tools and workflows and a willingness to take risks and experiment *See and test some of the equipment that is used to support this type of portable making


  • Ian Roy

    Director for Research Technology and Innovation / Founding Head of MakerLab / Adjunct Professor at IBS / Lecturer in Anthropology / Engineering, Brandeis University
  • Jordan Tynes

    Director, Academic Fabrication and Digital Design, Wellesley College

Resources & Downloads

  • How to Pack a Mobile Makerspace_slides

    6 MB, pdf - Updated on 1/27/2024