How to Say Anything to Anyone: Creating Trusting Relationships - Sponsored by Ellucian, Platinum Partner
How to Say Anything to Anyone: Creating Trusting Relationships - Sponsored by Ellucian, Platinum Partner
Tuesday, February 14 | 9:15AM–10:00AM | Houston Ballroom I, II, III
Session Type:
Featured Session
Delivery Format:
Featured Session
Academic transformation is upon us and change is hard. No one wants to tell a staff member her job has been automated, or that his department now reports to someone less influential. Nor does anyone look forward to telling faculty members that their courses don't meet the new standards and need to be completely redesigned. The only thing that makes those conversations possible and (mostly) painless is trust. When people trust you have their back and are out to support them, it's much easier to speak freely. And building trusting relationships is easier and less time-consuming than you think. Come to the featured session and get a system for strengthening even the most challenging relationships.
Outcomes: Learn why people resist change * Build trust in all of your business relationships, making it easier to implement changes and say hard things * Get practices to introduce change with less resistance