Innovative Learning Spaces: Designing Spaces That Support Targeted Student Experiences
Innovative Learning Spaces: Designing Spaces That Support Targeted Student Experiences
Monday, February 13, 2017 | 4:00PM–4:45PM | Houston Ballroom VII
Session Type:
Breakout Session
Delivery Format:
Interactive Presentation
Reimagining learning spaces on our campuses, both physical and digital, continues to appear in university strategic plans, as we discover the ways in which resident, blended, and online education can all complement one another through interesting and innovative spaces. This session will describe Penn State's approach to creating custom learning spaces aligned to support specific student experiences. We will feature three different spaces that reflect efforts to support active learning, immersive experiences, and blended learning. We will also share initial findings about how faculty and students are taking advantage of physical and digital affordances in our active learning space.
Outcomes: Explore a process used to co-design learning spaces, in collaboration with instructors *Identify features of specific rooms that align to support targeted student experiences *Understand and apply a support infrastructure designed to provide instructors in new learning spaces with support
Kyle Bowen
Deputy CIO, Arizona State University
Bart Pursel
CEO, Unizin, Ltd.
Crystal Ramsay
Senior Director, The Pennsylvania State University