Just Say It! Making Any Conversation Easy

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 | 10:45AM–11:30AM | Montgomery
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Most of us avoid giving negative feedback. No one wants to tell a faculty member his teaching methodology isn't meeting new standards or that a staff person's job is changing. Effective feedback conversations take two minutes, not 20 or 60, or, even worse, 90 minutes. Get a simple feedback formula that will make even the most challenging conversations not only easier but also quicker and more effective. You'll leave the session with the words to have any conversation you need to in two minutes. Recipients will be less defensive and more open. You'll see more long-lasting behavior change. Telling the truth doesn't have to be so hard.

Get the language to announce changes that elicit more receptivity and less defensiveness * Give feedback on any subject in two minutes (shorter is better) * Ensure that feedback conversations result in long-lasting behavior changes


  • Shari Harley

    Founder and President, Candid Culture