Presentation Pair: Academic Transformation

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 | 8:30AM–9:15AM | Houston Ballroom VI
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Short Presentation Pairs
Communities of Practice: Bringing Disparate Voices to Concerted Action
How do we focus the wide array of talent at our colleges and universities on the issues affecting our institutions? What mechanisms do we have or need to create to bring campus voices together for action when our structures are designed to separate? Leading transformation across a campus or system poses a challenge because bringing community voices together requires running counter to the environment in which many of us work. At the University of Minnesota campuses, a formal community of practice (fCoP) framework brings together talent from different campuses, colleges, and units in order to solve our large, cross-boundary challenges.

Outcomes: Consider your campus culture as it applies to this fCoP model *Understand the 3 key principles necessary for a successful fCoP *Relate to the experience of an fCoP process

Infiltrate, Integrate, Intertwine: E-Learning Programming Focused on Relationships and Social Networks
How do we keep e-learning a vibrant contributor to academic transformation? Practitioners know that increasing technology use doesn't necessarily equate to instructional innovation. We propose a novel approach that prioritizes outcomes of deep integration with academic initiatives over faculty skill development or technology adoption. Built on theories of social networks and information ecologies, the approach can (1) integrate e-learning into major academic initiatives, (2) ground a more effective model of faculty engagement, (3) develop new programming, and (4) establish metrics for academic impact and institutional ROI. Examples and checklists will be provided for participants developing embeddedness-based programming for their own institutions.

Outcomes: Convert your institution's existing faculty development programming to an embeddedness paradigm *Apply social network and information ecologies methods to identify new opportunities for faculty engagement in e-learning *Advocate more effectively for the impact and influence e-learning to campus leaders by using a new set of metrics and reporting tools


  • Peter Angelos

    Executive Information Officer, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
  • Adam Barger

    Executive Director, Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation, The College of William & Mary
  • Michele Jackson

  • Bruce Reeves

Resources & Downloads

  • Infiltrate Integrate Intertwine ELearning Programming Focused on Relationships and Social Networksslides

    551 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/5/2024
  • CoP_Bringing Disparate Voices to Concerted Action_slides

    208 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/5/2024