Presentation Pair: Analytics

Tuesday, February 14 | 3:15PM–4:00PM
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Short Presentation Pairs
Making Course Status Visible: The UCF Online Student Performance Dashboard
UCF has developed an online student performance dashboard that draws on LMS data to present a visually appealing tool for student planning and success. Students are shown their status, assigned a goal for improvement, and given the ability to easily prepare a plan for achieving it.

Outcomes: Understand the rationale for the student dashboard *Identify the components of the student dashboard *Apply the dashboard strategy at your institution

Promoting Data-Driven Decision Making through a Learning Analytics Fellows Program
Learning analytics (LA) too often is seen as the province of campus administrators and IT professionals. In order to increase the use of big data for informed decision making, however, we must expand its use to the departmental and course levels, and that means faculty ownership of research questions and emerging research processes. In this session, we will explore the establishment of Indiana University's Learning Analytics Fellows Program, provide a framework for establishing and supporting such communities on other campuses, and guide session participants through the development of an action plan for exploring such a program at their institutions.

Outcomes: Identify the key issues involved with establishing faculty ownership of LA projects, personalizing them for your institutional context *Identify potential stakeholders involved in LA efforts at your institution *Complete an action plan for creating an LA FLC on your campus


  • Tom Cavanagh

    Vice Provost for Digital Learning, University of Central Florida
  • Linda Shepard

    Sr. Assistant Vice Provost and Director Assessment and Research, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Greg Siering

    Dir., Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, Indiana University Bloomington

Resources & Downloads

  • Presentation PairAnalytics Cavanagh UCF Dashboard_ppt

    1 MB, pptx - Updated on 9/5/2024
  • PromotingDataDrivenDecisionMakinghandout

    71 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/5/2024
  • PromotingDataDrivenDecisionMakingslides

    393 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/5/2024