Presentation Pair: Emerging Learning Technology - Sponsored learning space design and furniture provided by Steelcase Education, Gold Partner

Tuesday, February 14 | 11:45AM–12:30PM | Harris
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Short Presentation Pairs
A Tale of Two Contexts: Student Perceptions of Adaptive Learning
This session will demonstrate how the University of Central Florida and Colorado Technical University formed a cooperative research partnership to identify elements of students' perceptions of adaptive learning that were distinctive and common across the two institutions. Students from both campuses agreed on assessment aspects of adaptive learning, but disagreement surfaced about the ease of material, item sequence, personalization, and interaction within the platforms. Interestingly, although these two campuses are very different, students evaluated the adaptive learning construct similarly across the institutions—categorized into learning climate, platform noise, and guidance effectiveness factors.

Outcomes: Articulate student reactions toward adaptive learning *Identify challenges with adaptive learning *Adapt the UCF student survey to your campus to examine adaptive learning or technology-enhanced learning

A Student View of Adaptive Learning
CTU began using adaptive learning in 2012 to capitalize on the advantages of personalized learning to improve student success and the student experience. In 2014, UCF began a similar initiative, examining adaptive learning to help meet the ongoing goal of providing increased access with quality to over 64,000 students. This session will discuss cooperative research examining student attitudes regarding adaptive learning across these two very different settings. Implications for the future will be discussed.

Outcomes: Articulate student reactions toward adaptive learning *Identify challenges with adaptive learning *Adapt the UCF student survey to your campus to examine adaptive learning or technology-enhanced learning


  • Charles Dziuban

    Director RITE, University of Central Florida
  • Connie Johnson

    Higher Education Consultant, Colorado Technical University
  • Patsy Moskal

    Director, RITE, University of Central Florida

Resources & Downloads

  • Presentation Pair Emerging Learning Technology_slides

    2 MB, pptx - Updated on 9/6/2024