Presentation Pair: LMS Transitions

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 | 9:30AM–10:15AM | Houston Ballroom VI
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Short Presentation Pairs
Early Adopters to Laggards: Supporting Faculty in a Technology Transition
Faculty are very busy with various commitments, and learning about new technologies is low on their list of priorities. When switching from one LMS to another, how do we ensure that faculty know about the switch and find the help they need when they need it? In this session, we will discuss some of the ways that the various Indiana University campuses, of very different sizes, went about supporting the faculty in a major LMS switch, got the word out, and survived this successful transition.

Outcomes: Investigate faculty support options for technology transitions *Explore various staff roles during technology transitions *Identify challenges your institution might face during a technology transition

What to Do When Your Institution Goes LMS Shopping
What do you do when there is a call to go shopping for an LMS? Often this implies that change is on the way, you're going window-shopping, or worse yet, it's a done deal. The LMS marketplace is a minefield of hype and vague promises. This presentation will examine the idea of "not so fast." The Claremont Consortium of Colleges has held steady in its LMS choice for more than a decade, and this has been achieved through a system of proactive metaevaluation, hype management, and the cultivation of a long-range LMS use strategy.

Outcomes: Identify and list some key institutional data points that can be used for a potential LMS evaluation *Describe strategies that can work toward a successful campaign to evaluate your LMS *Define and understand key points that should not be taken lightly when considering an LMS switch


  • Sanghyun Jeon

    Senior Academic Technology Specialist/LMS, Pomona College
  • Kelly Scholl

    Program Director of Learning Technologies Faculty Fellow Programs, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Jason Smith

    Support Engineer, California Community Colleges, Chancellor's Office