Untethered Faculty Development

Wednesday, February 15 | 10:15AM–11:00AM | Houston Ballroom Foyer
Session Type: Poster Session
How does a university increase its online and blended courses while maintaining a student-centered mission and inspiring faculty to change? Teaching and Learning Innovations (T&LI) at CSU Channel Islands emerged organically through collaborative efforts between senior management and faculty. A blend of IT and Academic Affairs and led by a team of past/current faculty and students, T&LI provides an untethered model of faculty development and support that reimagines the workshop approach. The T&LI Pathways model immerses faculty in online and blended learning that models the potential of technology to connect people, build relationships, and foster community.

Outcomes: Identify a nontraditional model of faculty development that leverages emerging technologies to engage faculty anytime, anywhere *Describe the value of online and blended faculty development in academic transformation *Develop a faculty development strategy that respects and reinforces the culture of your institution and inspires changes in teaching and learning