Alternative Credentialing in Higher Education

Friday, October 28, 2016 | 8:00AM–8:50AM | Meeting Room 211A/B, Level Two
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Discussion Session
Proof of skill attainment through alternative credentialing has gone mainstream. Microcredentialing and digital badging have become credible ways to codify achievements and nanodegrees—programs specifically targeted to develop industry skills, especially in technical areas—have gained acceptance and even encouragement from business. This session will define and describe the emergence of badging, microcredentialing, and nanodegrees, along with the role that technology plays in enabling these models and the impact they have on higher education.

Outcomes: Learn about microcredentialing and digital badging as valid records of learning * Compare and contrast microcredentialing with a traditional credit * Discuss the impact of alternative credentialing on higher education


  • Cathy Bates

    Senior Principal and Associate Partner, Vantage Technology Consulting Group
  • Mary Bold

  • Veronica Diaz

    Senior Director, Professional Learning and Develop, EDUCAUSE
  • Donna Liss

    Chief Information Officer, Truman State University
  • Donna Petherbridge

    Vice Provost, DELTA, North Carolina State University
  • Joe Shelley

    VP for Libraries and IT, Hamilton College

Resources & Downloads

  • Alternative Credentialing in Higher Education slides

    9 MB, pptx - Updated on 9/5/2024
  • Alternative Credentialing in Higher Education handout

    79 KB, pdf - Updated on 9/5/2024