Improving Learning and Teaching with Learning Analytics: What Do Teachers Want?

Wednesday, October 26 | 11:40AM–12:30PM | Meeting Room 304A/B, Level Three
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
This session will explore the connection between learning analytics and the improvement of learning and teaching from a teachers' perspective. Data from a variety of sources (including a national research project, workshop series, and institutional initiatives) provide the backdrop for exploration of teachers' use cases and business questions.

Outcomes: Learn about the connection between learning analytics and the scholarship of teaching and learning *Identify teachers' use cases for learning analytics *identify the connection between the use cases and the initiatives at your institution


  • Deborah West

    Pro Vice Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation), Flinders University

Resources & Downloads

  • Improving Learning and Teaching with Learning Analytics What do teachers want_slides

    4 MB, pptx - Updated on 9/7/2024