The Fog of Cyberwar: Lessons for Managing Cyberrisk

Tuesday, October 15, 2019 | 2:15PM–3:00PM CT | W196b, Level 1
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
Cybersecurity has evolved into a seemingly never-ending "war" of threats, protections, regulations, and cultural change. Join us as we explore the lessons learned by the University of California in managing cyberrisk, and learn how history informs our current and future direction and efforts.

Outcomes: Explore the challenges of managing cyberrisk at scale * Understand the pillars of UC's approach that could be applicable to your organization * Identity 2 key near-term action items you can take back to your organization


  • Tom Andriola

    Vice Chancellor, IT and Data, University of California, Irvine
  • David Rusting

    Chief Information Security Officer, University of California, Office of the President

Resources & Downloads

  • The Fog of Cyberwar Lessons for Managing Cyberrisk

    Updated on 11/28/2024