The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference brings together IT leaders and professionals in higher education, corporations who offer products and services to this community, and members of the media who cover issues and trends in higher education and information technology.
Registration and Media Credentials
Complimentary registration for EDUCAUSE 2019 is available for working credentialed editorial press, broadcast reporters, active freelancers, and established bloggers covering the event for their respective news outlets. All requests for complimentary media registration are subject to review and approval by conference communications staff.
Please note: only two complimentary registrations per publication or organization are available. PR, sales, and marketing representatives are not eligible for complimentary registration or media credentials. Complimentary registration covers only the conference proper and does not include preconference seminars, which have separate registration fees.
Media Lounge
A dedicated room will be available for credentialed media to meet and conduct interviews, write and file stories, and charge their devices. Please closely review the audio and video recording guidelines below. As a shared workspace, the room may not be formally reserved and we ask that you treat the room and others in the room with common courtesy.
Media representatives may use the Media Lounge for interviews, but please note that conference attendees without media credentials must be accompanied by a credentialed media representative at all times.
Exhibitor PR representatives may bring print press kits to the Media Lounge and periodically refresh their stack of materials. However, we cannot store or accept delivery of materials in the room.
Audio and Video Recording Guidelines
The following recording guidelines have been established to ensure participants have a positive conference experience, but please also review the conference registration policies and permissions page.
No recording for commercial purposes is allowed at the conference at any time whatsoever without prior permission from EDUCAUSE as well as the speaker(s) if relevant.
Presentations and associated materials are the intellectual property of the presenter; no conference session or activity may be recorded in any medium without presenter permission.
Regardless of whether presenter permission has been secured, EDUCAUSE reserves the right to ask any attendee to move within or leave a session venue if their use of technology is disruptive to speakers or other attendees.
Equipment and/or participant interviewing is prohibited in common walkways and public spaces if it impedes conference "traffic flow." EDUCAUSE staff will determine whether recording equipment or activity is impeding conference traffic. Failure to abide by EDUCAUSE staff decisions on the need to relocate or cease activity may result in expulsion from the conference.
Due to union regulations, please contact [email protected] for information on equipment setup and usage.
Exhibit hall recording is allowed only by an exhibiting company or its designated representatives within its own booth space. No recording is allowed within walkways or shared locations of the greater exhibit hall.