Learning Spaces/IT Strategic Plan: Engaging Faculty and Students

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 | 4:00PM–4:45PM CT | Board 812, Poster Area, Halls F1, F2, Level 3
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Hear about one institution's approach to engaging faculty and students in the process for developing a comprehensive learning spaces and instructional technology strategic plan. Special emphasis will be focused on a series of faculty/student conversations, led by an external facilitator, on the topic of the "future classroom."

Outcomes: Consider the roles of faculty/students in the development of a learning spaces/IT strategic plan * Obtain sample questions for engaging community discussion on learning spaces, instructional technology, and 21st-century pedagogy * Initiate or enhance your own faculty/student forum discussions to inform strategic planning


  • Chuck Haberle

    Associate VP/Chief Academic Tech.Officer, Providence College