Leveraging a Research IT Maturity Model for Strategic Decision-Making (separate registration is required)

Monday, October 14 | 8:00AM–4:00PM CT | W193, Level 1
Session Type: Additional Fee Program
Delivery Format: Preconference Workshop
We present a new Maturity Model for Research IT (computing, data, and related infrastructure and services) for use by IT practitioners, researchers, and campus leadership. Participants will apply and evaluate the model for their institutions, provide feedback to improve the model, and discuss its use for strategic decision-making.

Outcomes: Explore the framework and principles of the maturity model and how it should be used * Learn how to apply the framework at your institution and understand its use for strategic decision-making * Provide feedback to improve the model


  • Dana Brunson

    Executive Director, Research Engagement, Internet2
  • Gail Krovitz

    Senior Program Manager, Internet2
  • Claire Mizumoto

    Director, Research IT Services, University of California San Diego
  • Patrick Schmitz

    Consultant, Internet2