Make Way for Gen Z

Wednesday, October 16 | 8:30AM–9:30AM CT | W375b, Level 3
Session Type: Featured Session
Delivery Format: Featured Session
Believe it or not…there's life after the Millennial generation. A new generation is impacting higher education, as a majority of today's students are Gen Z. In addition, Gen Zers aren't all students. In fact, many have already graduated and entered the workforce. That means IT teams have to make room for yet another generation with all new traits. Are you ready for Gen Z? Don't be surprised when you find out they are nothing like the Millennials. The time to get to know them is today. If you treat Gen Z like the Millennials, it will backfire. In this dynamic session, you'll learn the key events and conditions that shape Gen Z; Gen Z's key traits and how they play out in the workplace; how Gen Z is similar to and different from the other generations and where they are likely to click and clash; and what it will take to recruit, retain, manage, and motivate Gen Z.


  • David Stillman

  • Jonah Stillman
