Modeling the Depth of Use of an Enterprise LMS

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 | 1:15PM–2:15PM CT | Board 406, Poster Area, Halls F1, F2, Level 3
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Measuring the degree of adoption of LMS resources is critical to evaluating and improving the design, management, and delivery of academic course content. In this poster, we discuss a metric we have developed called "depth-of-use", which is a fine-grained, resource-specific view of LMS utilization. We have validated this model against two semesters of courses that have been offered in our enterprise LMS. This metric is a more accurate indicator of how an LMS is being used by students and instructors, and can also provide insights into adoption across disciplines. We discuss the background and construction of the depth-of-use metric. Also, we describe an anonymized dataset we are creating to validate the depth-of-use metric. Additionally, we will also present visualizations based on the depth-of-use metric to show that existing metrics such as user access counts do not paint a complete picture of user activity.

Outcomes: Understand the construction of the depth-of-use metric * Be able to adapt the depth-of-use metric to your own LMS * Understand the limitations of the current depth-of-use metric


  • Bob Edmison

    Collegiate Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech