Practical Ways to Accelerate and Sustain Innovation in Edtech

Wednesday, October 16 | 5:00PM–5:45PM CT | W190a, Level 1
Session Type: Breakout Session
Let's have a real discussion about how higher education leaders and supplier partners can work together to accelerate innovative and accessible, adaptive, and data-rich learning technology—now and in the future. This session aims to uncover exemplary practices and models for driving digital transformation to improve teaching and learning. Panelists will discuss the role of open standards and new community developments that are helping to shape the next generation of education.


  • Rob Abel

    CEO, 1EdTech
  • David Goodrum

    Director of Academic Technology, Oregon State University
  • Donna Kidwell

    Chief Information Security Officer & Deputy CIO, University of Toronto
  • Meggan Levitt

    Asst Vice Provost & Associate CIO, University of California, Davis
  • Renee Pfeifer-Luckett

    Associate Vice Chancellor for Program Growth, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point