Risk Mitigation and Data Analytics: Privacy, Equity, Infrastructure

Tuesday, October 15 | 5:00PM–5:45PM CT | Board 306, Poster Area, Halls F1, F2, Level 3
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
Data analytics is spreading fast on campus, affecting both teaching and research. Vendors, particularly commercial ones, have been advertising the possibilities posed by the adoption of data analytics in academic institutions, from early warning systems that identify students in need to adaptive learning that can improve outcomes. However, there has been limited discussion of the possible downsides and—most importantly, strategies for minimizing the manifold risks to privacy, equity, and control over critical infrastructure.

Outcomes: Examine the risks that come with the rapid rise of data analytics * Develop concrete ideas for minimizing risk that can be applied immediately * Explore ideas for structural or collective strategies to address these challenges long term


  • Nicole Allen

    Director of Open Education, SPARC Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
  • Patrick Feehan

    Information Security & Privacy Director, Montgomery College