The Secret Sauce of Consortia: Community Action in Higher Ed

Tuesday, October 15, 2019 | 11:45AM–12:30PM CT | W183bc, Level 1
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Interactive Presentation
The future of teaching and learning innovation will be fueled by coalitions of the willing—formal and grassroots communities. As NGLEs, pedagogies, and analytics initiatives grow and converge, it's vital to prioritize, strategize, and act collaboratively. This panel session will provide insights into effective approaches for fostering community action.

Outcomes: Increase understanding of the potential for higher ed communities to drive innovation * Examine diverse examples of what leads to community engagement * Identify/share your personal "constellation" of collaborative groups you've found most effective and document big wins you've experienced as a result of your own participation


  • Samantha Becker

    Strategic Communicators Advisor to the EVP, Arizona State University
  • Jill Buban

  • David Goodrum

    Director of Academic Technology, Oregon State University
  • Jenn Stringer

    Vice President and Chief Digital Officer, J. Paul Getty Trust