Unlocking the True Potential of Data in Education

Tuesday, October 15 | 2:15PM–3:00PM CT | W184a, Level 1
Session Type: Industry Led
Delivery Format: Industry and Campus-Led Session
This session will address both challenges and opportunities with recommendations for successful adoption of evidence-based and data-driven approach to decision-making. Get to know the use cases and the insights on how results from predictive analytics using big data analytics modeling can improve university effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, and innovation.

Outcomes: Learn about adoption techniques for a data-driven approach * Learn how to improve university performance using big data analytics applications * Learn how to build university-wide data governance and quality policy


  • Marty Bariff

    Assoc. Prof of IM, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • John Norton

    Data Scientist at IBM, and Adjunct Faculty at IIT, IBM

Resources & Downloads

  • Unlocking the True Potential of Data in Education

    Updated on 11/26/2019