A New Dawn for Research Universities in Security and Compliance

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 | 2:15PM–3:00PM ET | 103AB, 100 Level
Viewing Location: Philadelphia
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session
If you are an R1 research university that does large amounts of research projects with DOD or DIB, you are probably familiar with comprehensive NIST compliance and getting ready for CMMC certification. If you are an R2 or non-research university, you may know only a little bit about it. That is about to change! The increased number of active nation state attacks on higher education, the increased successful ransomware attacks, are causing many agencies to consider enforcing CMMC on all higher education.The good news is that many universities already have frameworks in place that can be used to address the new requirements. This will protect intellectual property, help many schools mitigate the risk of losing funding, and drive up the value of research. A panel of industry and higher education cybersecurity experts will discuss the new dawn of cybersecurity frameworks in higher education, what we can do to prepare for it, and what lessons can be learned from the new CMMC assessment.


  • Mike Corn

    Cybersecurity Advisor For Research, National Science Foundation
  • Helen Patton

    Cybersecurity Advisor, Cisco Systems, Inc.