A Tale of Two Campuses: The Journey to Digital Transformation
If you are like most higher education leaders, you believe deeply in your institution’s mission. At the same time, however, you probably also feel constrained by shrinking budgets, increasing student expectations, changing business models, and more. To grow, succeed, and remain competitive, you need a technology ecosystem that is in perfect step with your long-term strategic plan, as well as any new initiatives that arise along the way. Digital transformation represents a gateway that will enable higher education institutions to leverage new and innovative technologies to achieve their mission and serve the needs of their increasingly diverse and demanding students. In this session, leaders from two institutions will dive into their digital transformation journey, how they embraced new tactics and innovation to get to where they are today, and what they foresee as the next steps in their roadmap. This session will highlight what to look for in terms of technology and partnerships that can guide digital transformation projects to success. Join this panel discussion to explore the techniques and technologies institutions can adopt to improve their chances of success in a challenging landscape.