Allyship That Makes an Impact: Outcomes That Identify Action

Thursday, October 28 | 2:15PM–3:00PM ET
Viewing Location: Online
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster
Creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace is challenging due to institutional cultures, organizational structures, and a general lack of awareness of issues. It is the latter that the Women in Technology at UCI organization proposed to tackle through a broadly promoted webinar on allyship. The “Allyship That Makes an Impact” webinar aimed to shed light on the challenges women and other underrepresented employees face in the campus workplace, share practical strategies for advocacy, and encourage attendees to put these strategies into action to become a better ally. This session will share the organization’s planning and implementation process, and share an effective approach to empowering employees of all backgrounds to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion with practical actions.


  • Shohreh Bozorgmehri

    Divisional Director of Student and Academic Services, University of California, Irvine
  • Julie Youm

    Assistant Dean, Education Compliance and Quality, University of California, Irvine