Anti-Racism in Academia (ARiA): A Learning Journey

Tuesday, October 26, 2021 | 8:30AM–4:00PM ET | 203AB, 200 Level
Viewing Location: Philadelphia
Delivery Format: Preconference Workshop Session

Experience a one-day version of the well-known signature program (#ROLLAP) from Anti-Racism in Academia (ARiA) and immerse yourself in a facilitated discussion outlining an actionable approach to leading change from where you are. Participants will engage in frank, small-group discussions designed to better understand racism issues, examine their own biases, and think critically about effective ways to build a more inclusive culture in academia.

For more information on this program, see

Attendance is limited to the first 60 who register.


  • Jonathan B. Hardy

    Deputy CIO, Villanova University
  • Tina Pappas

    Head, Discovery and Engagement Platforms, MIT
  • Sowmya Shankar

    Integrations Development Team Lead, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Tracy Weber

    Assistant Vice President, Enterprise Solutions & Delivery, University of Notre Dame
  • Desiree White

    IT Accessibility Analyst and Team Lead, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey