Breaking through the Apathy Fog: An Awareness Campaign for Digital Accessibility in Higher Education

Friday, October 29, 2021 | 12:15PM–1:00PM ET
Viewing Location: Online
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session

The barriers to digital accessibility in higher education are not typically related to willful resistance. More often, the issue is awareness, a measurable lack of practical knowledge related to the need for accessible content design. Faculty and staff are often unaware that the digital spaces in which they author or publish content might be inaccessible to people with disabilities. For these people, the ethical and business rationales for designing with accessibility in mind would likely have a significant impact and better allow space for learning the technical and legal requirements associated with industry standards for digital accessibility. This presentation will detail Portland State University’s efforts to facilitate lasting accessibility change through awareness and capacity-building, focusing on practical resources, sustainable support models, and strategic communication.

**This session was previously recorded live in Philadelphia.**


  • Michele Bromley

    Manager, Digital Accessibility and Content, Portland State University