Changing Culture: Building Student Data Privacy Champions with the Future of Privacy Forum

Thursday, October 28, 2021 | 1:15PM–2:00PM ET
Viewing Location: Online
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster
Althouh student data supports institutional metrics, improved learning outcomes, and the provision of services and opportunities to students, are institutions prepared to have critical and nuanced conversations about transparency, ethical use, and effective protection practices with respect to student data? The Future of Privacy Forum Train-the-Trainer program for higher education seeks to inform and improve campus conversations and culture about student data privacy by building the ranks of campus staff members who are able to speak knowledgeably about student data privacy issues and champion good student data privacy practices. In the power structure of higher education, students are often the least equipped to talk about campus practices and pedagogical decisions that impact their privacy. The Privacy Champions who complete the Train-the-Trainer program have expanded and deepened their student data privacy knowledge, established relationships with a cohort of campus professionals, and have acquired the resources needed to train and influence others. In short, they are well-poised to support their institution’s formalized privacy and security programs, represent students, and improve campus privacy culture. During this session, participants from the inaugural higher education Train-the-Trainer cohort will share their program experiences and how they plan to apply their student data privacy knowledge to inform conversations and effect change on their own campuses.


  • Kate Giovacchini

    Managing Director, Trusted Learner Network, Arizona State University
  • Jim Siegl

    Senior Technologist, Future of Privacy Forum