Communicating in a Crisis: Can Technology Help Boost Student Engagement at Scale?

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 | 9:15AM–10:00AM ET | 105AB, 100 Level
Viewing Location: Philadelphia
Session Type: Industry Led
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session

Amid the uncertainty of the past year, communication between institutions and students has become a top priority in helping all members of the higher education community navigate the COVID-19 crisis. In the months to come and the future of higher education, transparent, empathetic communication will play a critical role in helping colleges and universities listen to the needs of their students—in ways that will equip students with the tools they need to stay on track to graduation. A growing number of colleges and universities are adopting emerging technologies such as AI to actively listen to students’ sentiments and needs at unprecedented scale. These solutions are helping higher education institutions build what might be called “empathy engines”—artificially intelligent technology that delivers relevant information and answers to questions in real time by practicing active listening at scale, analyzing data, routing conversations to a human when appropriate, and cultivating trusting relationships to improve ongoing student communication. At this panel, join leaders from a diverse cross-section of higher education institutions to explore how they have used technology, insights, and strategies to transform their student communications during a time of ongoing uncertainty.


  • Tara Hughes

    Chief Information Officer, California State University, Monterey Bay
  • Drew Magliozzi

    CEO, Mainstay