Designing and Implementing a Smart Campus

Thursday, October 28, 2021 | 8:00AM–8:45AM ET | 202AB, 200 Level
Viewing Location: Philadelphia
Session Type: Industry Led
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session

Providing technology driven, flexible learning environments is top of mind for many higher education decision makers as they continue to design the classroom of the future. Although many universities have adopted on-campus internet of things (IoT) technologies, outdated infrastructures may hold some back from transitioning to a Smart Campus. To successfully support the transformation to a Smart Campus requires a shift in how we think about the role of technology in the learning ecosystem, including opportunities for hyflex learning and remote work.  Join Theresa Hernandez, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Campus Partnerships at the University of Denver and Shayla Rexrode, Global Education Solutions Manager at Lenovo as they share and discuss how the University of Denver is implementing a Smart Campus that brings together faculty and students, devices, and software applications allowing them to make insight-driven decisions to improve security and maximize resources.


  • Theresa Liguori Hernandez

    Assistant Vice Chancellor - IT Campus Partnerships, University of Denver
  • Shayla Rexrode

    Global Education Solution Manager, Lenovo