Digital Transformation to Create a Coordinated, Compelling Student Experience

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 | 12:15PM–1:00PM ET
Viewing Location: Online
Session Type: Industry Led
Delivery Format: Facilitated Discussion

How can you understand the student journey from application to decision to enrollment to orientation and through the first year? What digital transformation is needed to create a unified approach to technology that improves the student experience? What technology investments in platforms, processes, places, and people should be made in the short, medium, and long terms to achieve this? This interactive session will answer these questions using a case study of Ohio University's work with brightspot strategy to understand and improve the student experience. Our holistic approach considered courses, student services, technology, facilities, community, and campus culture through an engaging and inclusive process. An online survey, interviews, focus groups, feedback fairs, and workshops identified problems and solutions including centralizing services, rethinking communications, connecting spaces, and fostering community and belonging among post-traditional students. By walking through the process and outcomes and introducing opportunities for reflection, discussion, and application throughout, participants will get a roadmap and lessons learned to inform their digital transformation initiatives aimed at differentiating themselves and closing equity gaps.


  • Chris Ament

    CIO, Ohio University
  • Brian Bowe

    Assistant CIO, Ohio University
  • Elliot Felix

    Founder, Buro Happold
  • Maggie Walsh

    Strategist, Brightspot Strategy, LLC