Engaging Your Campus: The ITCOMM Community Group (CG Alley)
Pandemic announcements, combined with the social and digital expectations of students and new faculty, brought IT-Communications skills into focus like never before in 2020-21. The IT Communications Community Group (ITCOMMCG) fosters opportunities to collaboratively address these needs and more through learning events (“Coffee Shops”) and discussion of emerging topics on its list-serv. Join the ITCOMMCG for its annual session at EDU ’21 and learn about the Coffee Shops featuring IT-Comm professionals from a variety of institutions. The ITCOMMCG also provides a lively forum to get answers and share best practices about delivering IT messaging on your campus. The ITCOMMCG is a great place to listen and share ideas with and between information security professionals, academic technology leaders, and C-suite members, or any IT professional seeking to improve communications on their campus.
The 2021 ITCOMMCG meeting will include two discussion sessions: Allyship for IT and Enhancing the Customer Experience--Fostering Campus Relationships. All EDU’21 attendees are welcome to participate.
Meet our CG leaders and learn how you can participate, collaborate, and learn with your colleagues throughout the year. EDUCAUSE Community Groups are open, online communities led by members where you can share your ideas and expertise, find solutions to pressing issues you're facing, and explore common interests with your peers. Groups interact throughout the year via online discussions, webinars, and here at the annual conference. This year, the CGs are coming together to hold a “CG Alley” where attendees can learn about the CGs and what each has to offer via the poster sessions.