Faculty-Student Success Dashboard
The Faculty Student Success Dashboard (FSSD) is an innovative data toolset that allows faculty to understand how they individually contribute to their students' academic performance, progress, and success (e.g., retention, graduation). It is the first data toolset of its kind in the California State University System. It provides faculty with easy access to individual record level data on academic performance, progress, and success for students enrolled in their courses. Before the FSSD, data reported at the individual student, student cohort, degree program, department, college, or university level. Without an easy venue to visualize all the student success data to specific faculty members, it was difficult for faculty to see how their own work reflects student success indicators. Additionally, the toolset helps faculty identify opportunities to take concrete proactive actions to reach out to specific students in need supporting California State University, Fullerton faculty's commitment to student success.
Amir Dabirian
California State University, Fullerton
Afsaneh Hamedani
Director of Information Technology,
California State University, Fullerton
Joseph Luzzi
Assistant Vice President for IT / Enterprise Applications,
California State University, Fullerton
Shawn Whalen
Program Director,
College Futures Foundation