Guiding Faculty to Design with Students in Mind
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Post-pandemic practices will be reflective of lessons learned during the past year of forced online instruction. The success of digital learning is dependent upon choices that instructors make in course design and delivery. Our Center for Creative Instruction and Technology, CCIT, is comprised of Instructional Designers, Learning Strategy Coordinators, and other IT professionals whose mission is to assist and inspire educational creativity and excellence. Our collective experiences provide insight into transforming instructional approaches to course design and implementation. We will discuss Universal Design for Learning, UDL, as a philosophical foundation to ensure that all learners have access to education. We will share strategies for working with faculty who are resistant to change and for those faculty who are ready to grow their practice. This session will include a discussion of evaluating ed tech tools to determine the best approaches to accomplish objectives. The sharing of specific examples of collaboration with faculty will assist professional development providers who are looking for new tools, or new applications of familiar tools. In addition, we will discuss decision-making regarding technology integration into course design and delivery. After this session, participants will be able to develop an action plan to be used with faculty at their own institutions.