Microaggressions: The Threat to Productivity
Did you know that every day, women and staff of color experience verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults that are either intentional or unintentional and that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages? In many cases, these messages are hidden, demeaning, and suggest that women and staff of color do not belong in the organization. This treatment can feel like a papercut. One is no big deal and can be managed, but hundreds can be unbearable. The effects are devastating, not only on the individual but also to the team and organization. But there is something we can do about it if we have the courage and fortitude to do so. During this session, we'll begin to define the term microagression, how it is toxic to teams, and discuss ways we can address these issues.
Rolondo Talbott
Senior Director of Project Management,
Pomona College