Simulive Presenter Resources

Q: What is a simulive session?


Simulive is a pre-recorded session that runs during the live program where presenters are actively engaged in the chat while the recording is playing.

  • Simulive sessions increase audience engagement with presenters (via chat).
  • Simulive sessions give presenters the flexibility of pre-planned, multiple-take program contributions.
  • Check out this "What is Simulive" video for more information.


Q: How long should my simulive session be?


Please structure your session so that it is no longer than 20 minutes. You don’t need to allow for Q&A since you will be monitoring the chat throughout the session answering questions. Try to build in several questions to spark engagement, and be prepared to respond quickly to the responses.


Q: What are the due dates for my presentation?


There are several key dates for your presentation and any supplemental resources you would like to provide:

  • Now: Create your presentation, meet with your presentation team (if applicable), and refine presentation skills and engagement tactics. Be sure to watch the Presenter Support Modules for best practices to help you create and deliver an outstanding presentation. You may download the event PowerPoint here. (It's encouraged but not required to use.)
  • September 30: Upload presentation recording and resources. You’ll record your presentation and submit it by this date in order to meet production timelines. (This includes supplemental materials/resources, handouts, etc.) See next three sections for information on file naming, approved formats, and upload instructions.
  • October 27–29: EDUCAUSE Annual Conference
    • Present at your scheduled date/time. Presenters should plan to be present in the chat pod of the live broadcast of your simulive session (you won’t be on camera/audio), answering questions and engaging with the attendees. You don’t need a special link to access the session; just join as an attendee and introduce yourself as a presenter in the chat!


Q: What format(s) are accepted for my simulive recording and presentation materials?


Your recording should be an MP4 file format (2GB is the maximum size). For supplemental materials, the file types allowed are: pdf, docx, jpg, jpeg, png. File size should be 2GB or smaller.


Q: Do I need to caption my recording?


Yes, please! Along with your recording, we ask that you submit an SRT or VTT file.


Q: Do you have a preferred naming convention for files, and should I include a copyright statement?


All presenters should share their presentation materials prior to the annual conference. Please upload these by September 30.

Please rename files to be uploaded with the session title and the resource type (examples: "NameofSession_Slides.ppt" and/or "NameofSession_ Handout.pdf"). If you password-protect a PDF document, please make sure to enable the file to be read by a screen reader. It is our goal to make our resources easily available to those who use adaptive and assistive technology to access files over the internet.

Important Note: This statement appears on the EDUCAUSE PowerPoint template and highlights the terms of the permission agreement you accepted in EDUCAUSE's Publishing Agreement. If you are using your own PowerPoint, please include this statement on one of your slides:

This presentation leaves copyright of the content to the presenter. Unless otherwise noted in the materials, uploaded content carries the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), which grants usage to the general public, with appropriate credit to the author.


Q: How do I upload my material?


You will receive an email from your speaker liaison with a link to upload. All presenters will receive the email, however designate only one presenter to upload your material. When you get the link, detailed instructions will be provided.


Q: How do I record my simulive session?


You may record your presentation using a screen-share program such as Zoom. You will then upload your mp4 file (size limit is 2GB) into the event platform. Here are some short tutorial videos that may help you:


Q: What resources are available for creating an engaging virtual presentation?


Be sure to check out:


Q: What are some general recommendations for virtual presenters?


By implementing the following guidelines, your session will be engaging, interesting, and memorable:

  1. Know your audience: Who are they? Why do you think they are attending your session?
  2. Start with the end in mind. There should be 1-3 key “takeaways” from the session.
  3. Have an engagement plan. It's very easy to lose your audience's attention in a virtual setting. Ideas: Use the chat box early and often by asking questions of your audience. Draw them in with storytelling. Chunk your content into sections of 5-7 minutes each, and after each section, engage with the audience.
  4. Prepare: Know your stuff. Practice. Time yourself. Critique yourself. Practice some more.
  5. Remember to test your equipment.
  6. When presenting, remove distractions, look directly at the camera, maintain a strong, clear voice, and don't forget to BREATHE...