Designing Student-Centered Experiences in Postsecondary Education INSIDE and OUTSIDE the Classroom

Tuesday, October 10 | 11:15AM–12:00PM CT | W186, Level 1
Session Type: Breakout Session
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session
This session builds on the insights from Time for Class and Driving Toward a Degree, two national longitudinal surveys that spotlight the experiences of over 2,000 students who are reflective of today’s changing demographics. Their expectations for, challenges with, and experiences at their institutions and with technology to support their curricular and cocurricular experiences are compared to the perceptions of the faculty, staff and administrators who serve them, in service of identifying ways that institutions and technology providers can better design experiences and products that better enable student success inside and outside of the classroom. This session aims to increase awareness of barriers to access for students when designing digital learning experiences; improve student engagement with holistic supports on campus (and remotely) with a focus on those students underserved by higher education; and learning from examples of how institutions use technology in conjunction with institutional change management to support students through these challenges.


  • Sabih Bin Wasi

    Founder & CEO, Stellic

    Managing Director, Tyton Partners
  • Julia Spears

    Asst. Provost of Online Education & Certification, Marshall University
  • Ed Venit

    Managing Director, EAB
  • Karen Vignare

    Vice President, Digital Transformation for Student Success, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU)