Developing a Digital Learning Strategy for a Residential Campus

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 | 10:15AM–11:00AM CT | Poster #505, Halls F1, F2, Level 3
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
In this session, we will present a process for using a digital learning strategy to move campuses past the “should we/shouldn’t we” conversation about online learning. We will show how, beginning with stakeholders, a campus can learn what they are currently doing in pockets and silos that can be scaled for greater impact, what campuses are not doing, and what they are doing that is not working. We will share how this stakeholder data lends itself to a comprehensive digital learning strategy that integrates faculty, students, and staff interests and aligns those interests with funding strategies through partnerships with grants offices and advancement teams.


  • Lorna Gonzalez

    Assistant Vice President for Digital Learning, California State University, Channel Islands
  • Jill Leafstedt

    Interim Dean of Extended University & AVP for Digital Learning, California State University, Channel Islands
  • Michael McGarry

    Academic Technology Lead, California State University, Channel Islands