Fostering a Data-Driven Culture with Enrollment Management Analytics

Tuesday, October 10 | 3:00PM–3:45PM CT | Poster #608, Halls F1, F2, Level 3
Session Type: Poster Session
Delivery Format: Poster Session
This session will describe how the University of California, Irvine, has succeeded in fostering a data-driven culture through a unique approach: an analytics initiative led by the Division of Enrollment Management. This popular service, known as enrollment management analytics (EMA), uses enrollment data to uncover the hidden barriers to student success. It is enhanced by a consultative service in which enrollment management SMEs serve as internal analytics consultants for a range of administrative and academic colleagues across campus. EMA’s mission is to humanize student data by taking a holistic, collaborative, and multidisciplinary approach to student success analytics.


  • Tom Andriola

    Vice Chancellor, IT and Data, University of California, Irvine
  • Patty Morales

    Vice Provost, Enrollment Management, University of California, Irvine